One day, I'll be this skinny and have gorgeous shoes........

Currently using the computer in the school library and will be for another hour before I head out for awhile. Every Tuesdays my break is super long from 1030am-330pm! Last night was terrible. I think it was the first time I fell asleep after super long. Literally tossed and turned for 3 hours until I was so tired I slept. Don't know if you've ever felt that way - feeling like you'll not sleep at all when your mind is awake and constantly racing with random thoughts.
School's been busy or rather getting busier. Its my 3rd week at SIM, University of Buffalo (Communications) and I've more and more homework as each day passes. From group projects to many 1000 word essays (One due in a week) to presentations (In 2 weeks) for my Music & Society class. It isn't really what it seems because its very interesting with a damn funny and young lecturer.
Until now I dno why my parents are paying $62k for local lecturers.....
By the way, if you're reading this, please visit and comment Its a blog which is compulsary for Communications to post entries weekly and have people comment. The most messed up part is: Its graded. So I'll really really (from the bottom of my heart) appreciate all the help I can get.
Thank you. :>

Currently using the computer in the school library and will be for another hour before I head out for awhile. Every Tuesdays my break is super long from 1030am-330pm! Last night was terrible. I think it was the first time I fell asleep after super long. Literally tossed and turned for 3 hours until I was so tired I slept. Don't know if you've ever felt that way - feeling like you'll not sleep at all when your mind is awake and constantly racing with random thoughts.
School's been busy or rather getting busier. Its my 3rd week at SIM, University of Buffalo (Communications) and I've more and more homework as each day passes. From group projects to many 1000 word essays (One due in a week) to presentations (In 2 weeks) for my Music & Society class. It isn't really what it seems because its very interesting with a damn funny and young lecturer.
Until now I dno why my parents are paying $62k for local lecturers.....
By the way, if you're reading this, please visit and comment Its a blog which is compulsary for Communications to post entries weekly and have people comment. The most messed up part is: Its graded. So I'll really really (from the bottom of my heart) appreciate all the help I can get.
Thank you. :>